Critical Issues for Alliances and Networks
9781783479573 Edward Elgar Publishing
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Critical Acclaim
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• the theoretical foundations of collaborative strategy
• contractual foundations of collaboration
• the theoretical foundations of collaborative strategy
• contractual foundations of collaboration
Critical Acclaim
– Russ Buchanan, Xerox Corporation
‘Alliances and networks present a broad range of challenges as well as opportunities for executives. Academics have studied these relationships from various disciplinary perspectives while employing diverse research methodologies. This volume unpacks this breadth and complexity, and covers many of the cutting-edge research questions in the field. The contributors are the "Who's Who" of the top scholars in the field. The volume is particularly valuable to scholars as well as students who are new to the area, and seek concise and insightful summaries of the many different streams of research on alliances and networks.’
– Riitta Katila, Stanford University, US
‘For managers forming or having formed partnerships with other institutions, this is a must read. Collaborative Strategy reveals what we are doing and why, and how we can do it better, in a seldom-achieved style that addresses the complexity of the academic debate whilst presenting key implications for practitioners.’
– Andreas Moosdorf, Pan-European Processes, Amazon
‘Whether you are a businessperson looking for an edge, a manager in charge of corporate development, an academic or student interested in alliances, you will find much to stimulate your thinking in this book. The multiple vantage points on strategic alliances brought together in a readable, logical and yet not oversimplified style will offer readers ample inputs for creativity, problem solving and ultimately business differentiation via alliances and networks.’
– Fernando Chaddad, Accenture
– Jay B. Barney, The University of Utah, US
‘The editors have assembled a volume that meets the needs of seasoned academicians who study alliances and emerging scholars who wish to explore topics in the area of alliance formation, management, and termination. The editors manage to do this while considering the practicing alliance manager, who will find a treasure trove of practical examples and useful insights into making their alliances better. I hesitate to call this volume merely a handbook since that diminishes the scholarship that is central to the volume. I think that his volume serves an important gap in the strategic alliance literature by including papers that are of relevance to both the academic audience and the practicing manager. I highly recommend this volume.’
- 罗伯特·E·斯佩克曼(Robert E. Spekman),美国弗吉尼亚大学
‘I do not conceive the consulting business that I lead without strong collaboration with external partners with complementary skills and resources. The implementation of a collaborative strategy requires a clear understanding of the risks and opportunities that such strategy involves. With an easy-to-read style, this book is an excellent reference for those who, like me, consider alliances and networks an essential part of business strategy.’
– Rodrigo Ribeiro, KPMG
‘The editors have assembled some of the world’s best interfirm collaboration scholars to develop a very comprehensive state-of-the art compendium of the research and research questions in this area. This is an indispensable reading for any scholar wanting to build expertise on this area. The coverage is extensive, and the contributions look both backward and forward. Every alliance scholar is going to want this book on their shelf.’
– Gautam Ahuja, University of Michigan, US
– Russ Buchanan, Xerox Corporation
‘Alliances and networks present a broad range of challenges as well as opportunities for executives. Academics have studied these relationships from various disciplinary perspectives while employing diverse research methodologies. This volume unpacks this breadth and complexity, and covers many of the cutting-edge research questions in the field. The contributors are the "Who's Who" of the top scholars in the field. The volume is particularly valuable to scholars as well as students who are new to the area, and seek concise and insightful summaries of the many different streams of research on alliances and networks.’
– Riitta Katila, Stanford University, US
‘For managers forming or having formed partnerships with other institutions, this is a must read. Collaborative Strategy reveals what we are doing and why, and how we can do it better, in a seldom-achieved style that addresses the complexity of the academic debate whilst presenting key implications for practitioners.’
– Andreas Moosdorf, Pan-European Processes, Amazon
‘Whether you are a businessperson looking for an edge, a manager in charge of corporate development, an academic or student interested in alliances, you will find much to stimulate your thinking in this book. The multiple vantage points on strategic alliances brought together in a readable, logical and yet not oversimplified style will offer readers ample inputs for creativity, problem solving and ultimately business differentiation via alliances and networks.’
– Fernando Chaddad, Accenture
– Jay B. Barney, The University of Utah, US
‘The editors have assembled a volume that meets the needs of seasoned academicians who study alliances and emerging scholars who wish to explore topics in the area of alliance formation, management, and termination. The editors manage to do this while considering the practicing alliance manager, who will find a treasure trove of practical examples and useful insights into making their alliances better. I hesitate to call this volume merely a handbook since that diminishes the scholarship that is central to the volume. I think that his volume serves an important gap in the strategic alliance literature by including papers that are of relevance to both the academic audience and the practicing manager. I highly recommend this volume.’
- 罗伯特·E·斯佩克曼(Robert E. Spekman),美国弗吉尼亚大学
‘I do not conceive the consulting business that I lead without strong collaboration with external partners with complementary skills and resources. The implementation of a collaborative strategy requires a clear understanding of the risks and opportunities that such strategy involves. With an easy-to-read style, this book is an excellent reference for those who, like me, consider alliances and networks an essential part of business strategy.’
– Rodrigo Ribeiro, KPMG
‘The editors have assembled some of the world’s best interfirm collaboration scholars to develop a very comprehensive state-of-the art compendium of the research and research questions in this area. This is an indispensable reading for any scholar wanting to build expertise on this area. The coverage is extensive, and the contributions look both backward and forward. Every alliance scholar is going to want this book on their shelf.’
– Gautam Ahuja, University of Michigan, US
贡献者: A. Ariño, B. Arslan, N. Asgari, R.P. Bremner, S.M. Bruhs, C. Butter, S. Cabral, L. Capron, T. Chi, J. Choi, F.J. Contractor, Y. Doz, P. Dussauge, J. Dyer, K.M. Eisenhardt, D.W. Elfenbein, A. Gambardella, F. Habasche, J. Hagedoorn, D.P. Hannah, K.R. Harrigan, W. Hesterly, M.A. Hitt, W.H. Hoffmann, P. Kale, A. Keller, I. Kivleniece, T. Kretschmer, D. Lavie, S. Lazzarini, D. Li, J. Li, R. Madhavan, X. Martin, O.J. Martinez, K.J. Mayer, T. Mellewigt, L.F. Mesquita, W. Mitchell, K. Neumann, T. Nguyen, J.E. Oxley, C. Panico, L. Poppo, J. Prescott, B.V. Quélin, R. Ragozzino, J.J. Reuer, M. Rivera-Santos, A. Seth, B.S. Silverman, H. Singh, K. Singh, I. Stern, M. Stienstra, M. Sytch, S. Tallman, B.S. Vanneste, F. Wohlgezogen, X. Zhe, M. Zollo
路易斯·梅斯基塔(Luiz Mesquita),罗伯托·拉戈兹诺(Roberto Ragozzino)和杰弗里·J·鲁尔(Jeffrey J. Reuer)
Part I Theoretical Building Blocks
1. Strategic Alliances as Agents of Competitive Change
Kathryn Rudie Harrigan
Yves Doz
劳伦斯·卡普伦(Laurence Capron)和威尔·米切尔(Will Mitchell)
Alfonso Gambardella and Claudio Panico
5. Real Option Considerations in Devising a Collaborative Strategy
Tailan Chi和Anju Seth
6. Collaboration in Strategic Alliances: Cooperation and Coordination
Tobias Kretschmer and Bart S. Vanneste
7. Alliance Partner Selection
Dan Li,Jingyu Li和Michael A. Hitt
Stephen Tallman
9. When Collaborative Strategy Turns into Acquisition: Distinguishing and Explaining Partner Acquisition versus Joint Venture Buyout
Miranda Stienstra and Xavier Martin
10. Alliances and Exogenous Shocks
Navid Asgari和Kulwant Singh
11. Contractual Design of Alliances
Kyle J. Mayer and Zhe (Adele) Xing
12. Property Rights Theory and the Governance of Strategic Alliances
Daniel W. Elfenbein
13.通过联盟全球知识获取: Optimizing Contracts and Task Complexity
Farok J. Contractor and Jeongho Choi
PART IV Relational and Behavioral Aspects of Alliances
14. The Relational View Revisited
杰夫·戴尔(Jeff Dyer),哈比尔·辛格(Harbir Singh)和威廉·赫斯特利(William Hesterly)
15. The Process of Cooperation in Strategic Alliances
Birgul Arslan和非洲Ari-O
16. B2B交流的社会背景:信任和关系治理
Laura Poppo and Truc Nguyen
托马斯·梅勒(Thomas Mellewigt),莎拉·玛丽亚·布鲁斯(Sarah Maria Bruhs)和阿恩·凯勒(Arne Keller)
18.文化在所有iance Research
Franz Wohlgezogen
19. A Stakeholder-Based View of Strategic Alliances
Kerstin Neumann和Maurizio Zollo
Ravi Madhavan and John Prescott
Maxim Sytch
Werner H. Hoffmann和Ferry Habasche
Dovev Lavie
PART VI Novel Collaborative Relationships
24. Business Ecosystems
Robert P. Bremner, Kathleen M. Eisenhardt and Douglas P. Hannah
Ilze Kivleniece, Sandro Cabral, Sergio Lazzarini and Bertrand V. Quélin
27. Alliance Performance
Miguel Rivera-Santos and Pierre Dussauge
28. You Are the Company You Keep: The Relationship between An Organization's Alliance Activity and Its Status
ithai stern
29. Addressing Endogeneity Issues in Alliance Research
Octavio J. Martinez, Joanne E. Oxley and Brian S. Silverman
30. Alliance or Partnering Capability of a Firm: Antecedents, Constituents, and Performance Implications
Prashant Kale and Harbir Sin
路易斯·梅斯基塔(Luiz Mesquita),罗伯托·拉戈兹诺(Roberto Ragozzino)和杰弗里·J·鲁尔(Jeffrey J. Reuer)
Part I Theoretical Building Blocks
1. Strategic Alliances as Agents of Competitive Change
Kathryn Rudie Harrigan
Yves Doz
劳伦斯·卡普伦(Laurence Capron)和威尔·米切尔(Will Mitchell)
Alfonso Gambardella and Claudio Panico
5. Real Option Considerations in Devising a Collaborative Strategy
Tailan Chi和Anju Seth
6. Collaboration in Strategic Alliances: Cooperation and Coordination
Tobias Kretschmer and Bart S. Vanneste
7. Alliance Partner Selection
Dan Li,Jingyu Li和Michael A. Hitt
Stephen Tallman
9. When Collaborative Strategy Turns into Acquisition: Distinguishing and Explaining Partner Acquisition versus Joint Venture Buyout
Miranda Stienstra and Xavier Martin
10. Alliances and Exogenous Shocks
Navid Asgari和Kulwant Singh
11. Contractual Design of Alliances
Kyle J. Mayer and Zhe (Adele) Xing
12. Property Rights Theory and the Governance of Strategic Alliances
Daniel W. Elfenbein
13.通过联盟全球知识获取: Optimizing Contracts and Task Complexity
Farok J. Contractor and Jeongho Choi
PART IV Relational and Behavioral Aspects of Alliances
14. The Relational View Revisited
杰夫·戴尔(Jeff Dyer),哈比尔·辛格(Harbir Singh)和威廉·赫斯特利(William Hesterly)
15. The Process of Cooperation in Strategic Alliances
Birgul Arslan和非洲Ari-O
16. B2B交流的社会背景:信任和关系治理
Laura Poppo and Truc Nguyen
托马斯·梅勒(Thomas Mellewigt),莎拉·玛丽亚·布鲁斯(Sarah Maria Bruhs)和阿恩·凯勒(Arne Keller)
18.文化在所有iance Research
Franz Wohlgezogen
19. A Stakeholder-Based View of Strategic Alliances
Kerstin Neumann和Maurizio Zollo
Ravi Madhavan and John Prescott
Maxim Sytch
Werner H. Hoffmann和Ferry Habasche
Dovev Lavie
PART VI Novel Collaborative Relationships
24. Business Ecosystems
Robert P. Bremner, Kathleen M. Eisenhardt and Douglas P. Hannah
Ilze Kivleniece, Sandro Cabral, Sergio Lazzarini and Bertrand V. Quélin
27. Alliance Performance
Miguel Rivera-Santos and Pierre Dussauge
28. You Are the Company You Keep: The Relationship between An Organization's Alliance Activity and Its Status
ithai stern
29. Addressing Endogeneity Issues in Alliance Research
Octavio J. Martinez, Joanne E. Oxley and Brian S. Silverman
30. Alliance or Partnering Capability of a Firm: Antecedents, Constituents, and Performance Implications
Prashant Kale and Harbir Sin