9781847205995. Edward Elgar发布
本书使用生物制药研究和创新中的研究工具示例,研究了两个基本法律和政策领域关系的复杂性 - 知识产权与竞争法。It addresses a question that is certain to become paramount in other industries also: how to strike the balance between initial and follow-on innovation so as to ensure that access to ‘essential’ research tools (or other fundamental elements to follow-on innovation) is not impeded. The book concludes by suggesting how competition law could be used to complement the patent balance.
本书使用生物制药研究和创新中的研究工具示例,研究了两个基本法律和政策领域关系的复杂性 - 知识产权与竞争法。It addresses a question that is certain to become paramount in other industries also: how to strike the balance between initial and follow-on innovation so as to ensure that access to ‘essential’ research tools (or other fundamental elements to follow-on innovation) is not impeded. The book concludes by suggesting how competition law could be used to complement the patent balance.
- 世界竞赛Ioannis Lianos
“这是一个越来越多的主题的令人难以置信的有趣的书。。。这本书简明扼要地编写了欧盟法律的全面概述。。。对欧洲案件的征收征收与知识产权有关的欧洲案件提供真正有用的分析。。。这本书是一个彻底愉快的阅读,也许是因为它的简洁起见,提交人保留了她关注被检查的核心问题。 I found it to be engaging and thought provoking.’
- Jane Nielsen,竞争与消费法
‘The book caters for various groups ranging from those with a general interest in competition law, patent law and/or biopharmaceuticals, to students who want to understand how competition and intellectual property work in practice (or to understand the interface between the two policies), and from practitioners and policymakers to people within the biopharmaceutical industry itself.’
- 知识产权杂志
- 世界竞赛Ioannis Lianos
“这是一个越来越多的主题的令人难以置信的有趣的书。。。这本书简明扼要地编写了欧盟法律的全面概述。。。对欧洲案件的征收征收与知识产权有关的欧洲案件提供真正有用的分析。。。这本书是一个彻底愉快的阅读,也许是因为它的简洁起见,提交人保留了她关注被检查的核心问题。 I found it to be engaging and thought provoking.’
- Jane Nielsen,竞争与消费法
‘The book caters for various groups ranging from those with a general interest in competition law, patent law and/or biopharmaceuticals, to students who want to understand how competition and intellectual property work in practice (or to understand the interface between the two policies), and from practitioners and policymakers to people within the biopharmaceutical industry itself.’
- 知识产权杂志
目录:前言第I部分:问题 - 作为后续创新的必要元素访问?1.生物制药研发:累积创新的重要性和相关的关注部分第二部分:专利制度中的专利余额和工作解决方案2.专利制度作为平衡系统。专利制度和一些潜在的安全网4.该Right to Health as an Interpretive Principle of Patent Law Part III: Antitrust as a Complement to the Patent System 5. Unilateral Conduct, Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Law: A Systems’ Interaction 6. The Duty to Deal under Art. 82 EC Part IV: A More Innovation Sensitive Approach to the Interface of Competition Law and Patents? 7. The Duty to Deal as Applied to Address Technology Access Problems in the Biopharmaceutical Industry Bibliography Index