


Winning Strategies for the 21st Century

9781848443211 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Saïd Yami, Affiliate Professor, Kedge Business School, France, Sandro Castaldo, Professor of Marketing, Bocconi University, Italy, Giovanni Battista Dagnino, Deputy Chair and Professor, Department of Business Economics and Management, University of Catania, Italy and Frédéric Le Roy, Professor of Strategic Management, University of Montpellier and GSCM, Montpellier Business School, France
Publication Date:2010 ISBN:978 1 84844 321 1 Extent:288 pp
As an original strategic management perspective, coopetition has hitherto been underexploited in analysing contemporary firm strategies and behaviours and, more generally, managerial practices and processes. This innovative book provides both theoretical insights and empirical evidence on coopetition.

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As an original strategic management perspective, coopetition has hitherto been underexploited in analysing contemporary firm strategies and behaviours and, more generally, managerial practices and processes. This innovative book provides both theoretical insights and empirical evidence on coopetition.

Coopetition shows great interpretive and normative potential and is likely to be an increasingly important tool. This book is one of the first key contributions in shaping and systematizing a novel coopetition agenda in the field of strategy. The book argues that coopetition is neither an extension of competition theory, nor an extension of cooperative theory. It is in fact a specific and distinctive research object, which calls for dedicated theoretical investigation to develop questions for theory, method, and managerial practice.

This book provides both practitioners and academic scholars with a milestone that brings together an active community of researchers expressly mobilized around the creative in-depth scrutiny of coopetition. It will greatly appeal to researchers, scholars, and graduate students of management, business strategy competitive dynamics, and international business, as well as practitioners such as managers and consultants.
Critical Acclaim
‘This book provides a diverse set of perspectives on the topic. It is very useful reading for anyone interested in understanding coopetition in multiple contexts.’
– Devi R. Gnyawali, Virginia Tech, US
Contributors: F. Ancarani, P. Baumard, M. Bengtsson, S. Castaldo, M. Costabile, W. Czakon, G.B. Dagnino, C. Depeyre, H. Dumez, J. Eriksson, P.-E. Eriksson, M. Galvagno, F. Garraffo, M. Grosso, P. Guillotreau, T. Herzog, F. Le Roy, M. Mariani, G. Möllering, O. Pesämaa, P. Roy, J. Wincent, S. Yami, F. Zerbini

Introduction – Coopetition Strategies: Towards a New Form of Inter-organizational Dynamics?
Saïd Yami, Sandro Castaldo, Giovanni Battista Dagnino, Frédéric Le Roy and Wojciech Czakon

1. Coopetition: New Ideas for a New Paradigm
Maria Bengtsson, Jessica Eriksson and Joakim Wincent

2. The Promise of Coopetition as a New Theoretical Perspective in Strategic Management
Marco Galvagno and Francesco Garraffo

3. Emerging Coopetition: An Empirical Investigation of Coopetition as Inter-organizational Relationship Instability
Wojciech Czakon

4. Learning in Coopetitive Environments
Philippe Baumard

5. Coopetitive Value Creation in Entrepreneurial Contexts: The Case of AlmaCube
Giovanni Battista Dagnino and Marcello Mariani

6. The Role of Architectural Players in Coopetition: The Case of the US Defense Industry
Colette Depeyre and Hervé Dumez

7. Exploring How Third-Party Organizations Facilitate Coopetition Management in Buyer–Seller Relationships
Sandro Castaldo, Guido Möllering, Monica Grosso and Fabrizio Zerbini

8. Coopetition Among Nature-based Tourism Firms: Competition at Local Level and Cooperation at Destination Level
Ossi Pesämaa and Per-Erik Eriksson

9. Coopetition Within an Oligopoly: Impacts of a Disruptive Strategy
Pierre Roy and Saïd Yami

10. Strategic Management of Coopetitive Relationships in CoPS-Related Industries
Thomas Herzog

11. Coopetition Dynamics in Convergent Industries: Designing Scope Connections to Combine Heterogeneous Resources
Fabio Ancarani and Michele Costabile

12. Successful Strategy for Challengers: Competition or Coopetition with Dominant Firms?
Frédéric Le Roy and Patrice Guillotreau

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