Elgar Introduction to Organizational Stress Theories


Elgar Introduction to Organizational Stress Theories

9781035316885 爱德华。Elgar Publishing
Kimberly E. O’Brien, Department of Psychology, Central Michigan University, US and Professor Sir Cary Cooper, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK
Publication Date:April 2023 ISBN:978 1 03531 688 5 Extent:232 pp
How and why does job stress manifest as negative emotions, disordered thoughts, deleterious behaviors, and physical illness? How can positive outcomes like growth and mastery be encouraged instead? Job stress theories provide insights that guide practical decision making on how to mitigate the negative effects and promote the positive outcomes for organizations and individuals. This book provides a review of empirical research on nearly 100 frameworks and hypotheses regarding job stress, as well as suggestions for the integration and refinement of both popular and overlooked theories.

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How and why does job stress manifest as negative emotions, disordered thoughts, deleterious behaviors, and physical illness? How can positive outcomes like growth and mastery be encouraged instead? Job stress theories provide insights that guide practical decision making on how to mitigate the negative effects, and promote the positive outcomes, of job demands for the organization and its constituents. This book provides a review of the empirical support for nearly 100 job stress frameworks, and presents guidance for theoretical applications, testing, refinement, and integrations.

In addition to providing an overview of the theories, models, and hypotheses related to job stress, the authors present organizational and individual implications for both management and personal improvement. For scholars, gaps in the literature are identified to facilitate future research. Instructors and students will find this knowledge valuable for organizational psychology/behavior, occupational health psychology, or job stress classes, among others.

Altogether, students, researchers, and practitioners will find this Introduction integral to their learning, and benefit from the actionable research ideas and suggestions for stress reduction.
Critical Acclaim
‘Theory plays a critical role in scientific progress—it provides scholars with a framework for understanding their research findings, and it helps practitioners make sense of real-world problems. This book does an excellent job of introducing readers to the many theoretical perspectives used in the job stress literature.’
– Nathan A. Bowling, Wright State University, US
Contents: 1. Foundations of job stress theory 2. Theories from behavioral health 3. Physiological stress theories 4. Theories of arousal and emotion 5. Theories of cognition and coping 6. Equity and exchange theories 7. Social information and evaluations 8. Theories about job demands and resources 9. Conservation of resources theory 10. Person-environment theories 11. Role-related stress theories 12. Sociocultural systems perspectives 13. Theories of motivation and self-regulation 14. Leadership and organizational support 15. Perspectives on job stress Index
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