


9781858985732 爱德华·埃尔加出版社
Edited by Charles Edquist, Professor, CIRCLE, Lund University, Sweden and Maureen McKelvey, Professor, School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
发布日期:2000 ISBN:978 1 85898 573 2 程度:1,136 pp


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– Ludo Dibiaggio, Technovation

‘This is a well-chosen selection of important references comprising academic work on different kinds of systems of innovation, competitiveness and employment, as well as issues related to government policies and firms’ strategies. The editors’ introduction gives comprehensive guidance to the papers.’
- 阿斯利布书指南

– Y.S.R. Ajan, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research

‘The literature on “systems of innovation” has expanded enormously over the last decade. Policymakers clearly have found the concept useful in guiding their thinking about policy in a number of different arenas, and scholars have found the framework useful in guiding empirical and theoretical research. Edquist and McKelvey have done a thoughtful and creative job of sorting through the now vast body of writing, and selecting a collection of articles and book chapters that depict the field, where it came from, and where it is going. These volumes serve both as a wonderful introduction to the topic, and as a much needed reference collection of the more important papers that have been written regarding innovation systems.’
- 美国哥伦比亚大学的理查德·纳尔逊(Richard R. Nelson)

‘The growing recognition that technological change is an integral part of social and economic development and that all these processes reciprocally affect each other has found expression in the concept of “systems of innovation”. The literature on this subject has flourished in the last decade and this book forms an ideal introduction to the subject by presenting some of the key texts, which have been carefully chosen and edited by two of the most competent people in the field, who are themselves outstanding contributors.’
– Christopher Freeman, SPRU – Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex, UK and Maastricht University, the Netherlands
43 articles, dating from 1885 to 2000


Part I An Introduction to Systems of Innovation
1. Charles Edquist(1997),“创新方法 - 它们的出现和特征”
2.克里斯·弗里曼(Chris Freeman)(1995),“历史角度的“国家创新体系””
3. Bengt-ÅkeLundvall(1992),“简介”
4. Parimal Patel and Keith Pavitt (1994), ‘National Innovation Systems: Why They are Important, and How They Might be Measured and Compared’
5. Jorge Niosi,Paolo Saviotti,Bertrand Bellon和Michael Crow(1993),“国家创新系统:寻找可行的概念”
6. Michael Storper(1995),“区域经济的复兴,十年后:该地区是无数相互依存关系的联系”
7. Philip Cooke, Mikel Gomez Uranga and Goio Etxebarria (1997), ‘Regional Innovation Systems: Institutional and Organisational Dimensions’
8. Alfred Marshall (1947), ‘Industrial Organization, Continued. The Concentration of Specialized Industries in Particular Localities’
9.安德斯·马尔姆伯格(Anders Malmberg)和彼得·马斯克尔(Peter Maskell)(1997),“介绍区域专业和行业集聚的解释”
10. Anna Lee Saxenian(1996),“ Inside-Out:硅谷和128号公路的区域网络和工业改编”
11. B. Carlsson and R. Stankiewicz (1991), ‘On the Nature, Function and Composition of Technological Systems’
12. ErikDahmén(1988),“工业经济学中的“发展障碍””
13. Stefano Breschi和Franco Malerba(1997),“部门创新系统:技术机制,小脚架动力学和空间边界”
14. Richard R. Nelson (1996), ‘The Evolution of Comparative or Competitive Advantage: A Preliminary Report on a Study’
15. Michael E. Porter(1998),“群集和竞争的新经济学”
16. William Lazonick (1993), ‘Industry Clusters versus Global Webs: Organizational Capabilities in the American Economy’
17. Jan Fagerberg(1995),“用户互动,学习和比较优势”
Part V Case Studies of Systems of Innovation
18.理查德·尼尔森(Richard R. Nelson)(1992),“国家创新系统:研究回顾”
19. Linsu Kim(1993),“国家工业创新体系:韩国能力的动态”
20. Ludovico Alcorta和Wilson Peres(1998),“拉丁美洲和加勒比海的创新系统和技术专业化”
21. Susan Bartholomew(1997),“国家生物技术创新系统:全球系统中的复杂相互依存”
22. Bo Carlsson(1995),“工厂自动化技术系统:国际比较”
Name Index

1. Stephen J. Kline和Nathan Rosenberg(1986),“创新概述”
2. Chris Debresson和Fernand Amesse(1991),“创新者网络:问题的评论和介绍”
3. Bengt-Åke Lundvall (1988), ‘Innovation as an Interactive Process: From User-Producer Interaction to the National Systems of Innovation’
4. Joseph A. Schumpeter (1979/1976), ‘The Process of Creative Destruction’
5.理查德·纳尔逊(Richard R. Nelson)和西德尼·G·温特(Sidney G.
6. Giovanni Dosi (1988), ‘The Nature of the Innovative Process’
7.莫琳·麦凯维(Maureen McKelvey)(1997),“使用进化论定义创新系统”
8. Charles Edquist and Björn Johnson (1997), ‘Institutions and Organisations in Systems of Innovation’
9.约翰·齐斯曼(John Zysman)(1994),“机构如何创造历史上扎根的增长轨迹”
11. Nathan Rosenberg (1960), ‘Some Institutional Aspects of the Wealth of Nations’
Part IV Innovations, Growth and Employment
12. Moses Abramovitz (1989), ‘The Proximate Sources of Growth’, ‘The Search for Deeper Causes: Technological Effort as Investment’, ‘The Search for Deeper Causes: National and Historical Determinants’ and ‘Longer Thoughts about Long-term Growth’
13. Birgitte Gregersen和BjörnJohnson(1998),“创新如何影响经济增长?经济学的一些不同方法
14.理查德·纳尔逊(Richard R. Nelson)(1990),“资本主义作为进步引擎”
15. Charles Edquist,Leif Hommen和Maureen McKelvey(1998),“产品与过程创新:对就业的影响”
16. J.S.Metcalfe(1997),“竞争经济中的科学政策和技术政策”
17. Richard G. Lipsey和Kenneth Carlaw(1998),“技术政策:基本概念”
18. Maureen McKelvey and François Texier (2000), ‘Surviving Technological Discontinuities through Evolutionary Systems of Innovation: Ericsson and Mobile Telecommunication’
19. Bo Carlsson和Staffan Jacobsson(1997),“多样性创造和技术系统:技术政策观点”
20. Michael Borrus和Jay Stowsky(1998),“技术政策与经济增长”
21. Charles Edquist, Leif Hommen, Björn Johnson, Tarmo Lemola, Franco Malerba, Thomas Reiss and Keith Smith (1998), ‘The Systems of Innovation Approach and its General Policy Implications’ and ‘Specific Policy Implications of ISE and its Sub-projects’
Name Index
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