Critical Acclaim
Science – and more broadly research – is a field where economics and sociology meet in an attempt to understand how complex organizations emerge and work. While the authors argue that science is neither an institution nor an order that emerged as the result of conscious and willful design, nor is it like a ‘normal’ market, they also acknowledge that science has aspects of market orders and aspects of orders created by design. Furthermore, science develops in specific ways that are to some extent like the development of economic systems, and at the same time are very different.
Science – and more broadly research – is a field where economics and sociology meet in an attempt to understand how complex organizations emerge and work. While the authors argue that science is neither an institution nor an order that emerged as the result of conscious and willful design, nor is it like a ‘normal’ market, they also acknowledge that science has aspects of market orders and aspects of orders created by design. Furthermore, science develops in specific ways that are to some extent like the development of economic systems, and at the same time are very different.
Critical Acclaim
‘这些论文变得非常有趣,在某些情况下,论文非常挑衅。。。任何对不同观点感兴趣的人 - 任何纪律跳线 - 都会从收藏中的概念和语言中获利。’
- Gerard de Zeeuw,创业与创新
- Gerard de Zeeuw,创业与创新
贡献者:W.N。Butos,F。Collin,M。Forstater,H.S。Jensen,J。Kaisla,M。Klaes,C。Nudsen,T。Knudsen,R。Koppl,L.S。Moss,L.M. Richter,M.T。Vendelø
内容: Preface 1. Introduction 2. The Essential Tension in the Social Sciences: Between the ‘Unification’ and ‘Fragmentation’ Traps 3. Residual Categories and the Evolution of Economic Knowledge 4. Evolutionary, Constructivist and Reflexive Models of Science 5. A Neo-Darwinian Model of Science 6. Science and Spontaneously Formed Institutions: An Austrian School Approach 7. An Evolutionary Approach to the Constitutional Theory of the Firm 8. Science as a Spontaneous Order: An Essay in the Economics of Science 9. Must Spontaneous Order be Unintended? Exploring the Possibilities for Consciously Enhancing Creative Discovery and Imaginative Problem-Solving 10. The Laboratory and the Market – On the Production and Interpretation of Knowledge Index