International Business

  1. Add to Wish List Group and Team Work

    Group and Team Work

    Ricardo Flores, Antonina Bauman
    By setting out a step-by-step guide on the implementation of a theoretically robust team work-centric approach to education, Group and Team Work explains valuable team work theory and practical dynamics. It details specific approaches ed...
    Paperback (January 2024)

    List price$41.95

    Member price$33.56

    Not yet published
    Hardback (January 2024)

    List price$125.00

    Member price$112.50

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  2. Add to Wish List Strategy in a Turbulent Era

    Strategy in a Turbulent Era

    Edited by Ashton L. Hawk, Marcus M. Larsen, Michael J. Leiblein, Jeffrey J. Reuer
    Offering a practical and phenomenon-driven perspective, Strategy in a Turbulent Era expertly analyses questions relating to strategy in light of different forms of turbulence. From the global COVID-19 pandemic outbreak to the escalation ...
    Hardback (January 2024)

    List price$165.00

    Member price$148.50

    Not yet published
  3. Add to Wish List Cases on Born Globals

    Cases on Born Globals

    Edited by Erik S. Rasmussen
    Cases on Born Globals brings together a wealth of case studies covering a range of industries and countries on emerging firms known as ‘Born Globals’ that seek to enter international markets immediately upon creation. Bringing together 1...
    Hardback (January 2024)

    List price$170.00

    Member price$153.00

    Not yet published
  4. Add to Wish List Handbook of Experience Science

    Handbook of Experience Science

    Edited by Joseph S. Chen, Nina K. Prebensen, Muzaffer S. Uysal
    Carefully examining the challenges of meeting fast-developing consumer demands and preferences, this enlightening Handbook captures the difficulties involved in providing optimal service experiences. It provides invaluable theoretical gu...
    Hardback (January 2024)

    List price$250.00

    Member price$225.00

    Not yet published
  5. Add to Wish List Islamic Finance in Eurasia

    Islamic Finance in Eurasia

    Edited by M. K. Hassan, Paolo Biancone, Aishath Muneeza
    Providing a comprehensive account of the progress, potential and challenges facing Islamic finance in Eurasia, this prescient book explores Islamic finance’s history and development across the Asian and European continents and argues tha...
    Hardback (January 2024)

    List price$135.00

    Member price$121.50

    Not yet published
  6. Add to Wish List A Research Agenda for International Entrepreneurship

    A Research Agenda for International Entrepreneurship

    Edited by Christian Felzensztein, Sascha Fuerst
    Addressing the intersection between the fields of international business and entrepreneurship, this topical Research Agenda wholly encapsulates the multi-dimensional nature of international entrepreneurship. It provides essential insight...
    Hardback (December 2023)

    List price$165.00

    Member price$148.50

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  7. Add to Wish List Elgar Companion to Managing People Across the Asia-Pacific

    Elgar Companion to Managing People Across the Asia-Pacific

    Edited by Eddy S. Ng, Jonathan E. Ramsay, K. Thirumaran, Jacob Wood
    The Elgar Companion to Managing People Across the Asia-Pacific provides a crucial exploration of current business and management research, touching upon topics such as leadership, employee motivation and politics, and innovation to provi...
    Hardback (November 2023)

    List price$245.00

    Member price$220.50

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  8. Add to Wish List Research Handbook on International Corporate Social Responsibility

    Research Handbook on International Corporate Social Responsibility

    Edited by Anthony Goerzen
    Presenting an in-depth look at cutting-edge research, this essential Research Handbook develops the current understanding of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its implications on an international scale. Including contributions fr...
    Hardback (November 2023)

    List price$320.00

    Member price$288.00

    Not yet published
  9. Add to Wish List Handbook of Mixed Methods Research in Business and Management

    Handbook of Mixed Methods Research in Business and Management

    Edited by Roslyn Cameron, Xanthe Golenko
    This timely Handbook illustrates a myriad of theoretical and practical applications in the utility of mixed methods research (MMR) in business and management. It surveys innovations in MMR to provide a full overview of the past, current,...
    Hardback (October 2023)

    List price$295.00

    Member price$265.50

    Not yet published
  10. Add to Wish List Research Handbook of Global Families

    Research Handbook of Global Families

    With research into the lives of global families becoming an increasing focus worldwide, this Research Handbook is a timely compendium of contemporary scholarship. It aptly describes the work-family interface, delving into the unique dime...
    Hardback (October 2023)

    List price$240.00

    Member price$216.00

    Not yet published
  11. Add to Wish List The Elgar Companion to Corporate Social Responsibility and the Sustainable Development Goals

    The Elgar Companion to Corporate Social Responsibility and the Sustainable Development Goals

    Edited by Samuel O. Idowu, Liangron Zu
    This timely Companion analyses how corporate social responsibility (CSR) can accelerate the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Global experts from a wide range of disciplines develop a flexible, diverse, and reconstru...
    Hardback (October 2023)

    List price$230.00

    Member price$207.00

    Not yet published
  12. Add to Wish List Global Business

    Global Business

    Mark Casson
    This fascinating book examines international business and multinational enterprise as part of a bigger picture, considering the importance of two main components: space and time. Summarising the past five years, Mark Casson reviews the c...
    Hardback (September 2023)

    List price$160.00

    Member price$144.00

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