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A Guide to Discursive Organizational Psychology
Edited by Chris Steyaert, Julia Nentwich, Patrizia Hoyer
在管理和组织研究中,“创造力和参与等问题的话语方法”是在组织心理学领域发展的。这本书及时填补了这个差距......eBook:Find out more$40.00
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“看到一种创新的体积,专注于企业社会责任(CSR)框架(CSR)框架的概念和品种,如概念化,并且表现在一系列背景下 - 宗教隶属关系,经济水平......eBook:Find out more$65.00
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Nils Wåhlin, Maria Kapsali, Malin H. Näsholm, Tomas Blomquist
“本书对城市规划和其他类型组织工作之间的联系提供了重要贡献,以”创意城市“名称。此外,它还突出了与Attemp相关的艰巨挑战......eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Trust, Organizations and Social Interaction
Edited by Søren Jagd, Lars Fuglsang
Trust, Organizations and Social Interaction promotes new knowledge about trust in an organizational context. The book provides case-analysis of how trust is formed through processes of social interaction in which actors observe, reflect ...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Edited by Francesca Visintin, Daniel Pittino
Europe needs more innovative companies that grow quickly and end up big. This book examines SME growth, innovation and success, to suggest that fast growing firms could offer a major contribution to the recovery of a European economy. Th...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Corporate Power and Responsible Capitalism?
Bryn Jones
“主要的丑闻,灾害和危机已经转变股东资本主义,因此最近被当代社会中最成功的最成功的最令人担忧的儿童之一。在这个高度可读的帐户中......eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Handbook of Research Methods on Trust
由Fergus Lyon编辑,GuidoMölering,Mark N.K.桑德斯
‘As any field of academic study matures, researchers refine methods for investigating the phenomenon of interest. For research on trust, this Handbook Second Edition reflects where the trust literature has been, where it is now, and wher...eBook:Find out more48.80美元
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Edited by Paloma Fernández Pérez, Andrea Lluch
“本书从事关于进化和变更家庭资本主义的辩论。根据历史分析和管理学者和社会科学家的联合努力,它是一种彻底研究和突出的宝库......eBook:Find out more$40.00
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本书探讨了专制资本主义的兴起,在全球化时代的政治和经济上提供了一种新的政治和经济学的透视。它询问个人和国家是否可以摆脱“...”的关键问题。eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Towards European Science
由Linda Wedlin,Maria Nedeva编辑
‘Introduction of a common European currency has been, and is, a process bristling with difficulties. Will establishing European science be any easier? The contributors to the volume have treated this question with the seriousness it dese...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Handbook of Research on Management Ideas and Panaceas
‘What makes this book a unique innovative source full of surprising insights is that management panaceas are examined by most competent scholars. In highly readable chapters it is pointed out what it takes to successfully adapt panaceas ...eBook:Find out more$65.00
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由Susi Geiger,Debbie Harrison,Hans Kjellberg,Alexandre Mallard编辑
'这里收集的洞察力章节显示,市场是一个令人担忧的问题,因为他们可以是制造令人担忧的空间。' - 大卫·斯塔克,哥伦比亚大学,美国和作者的不和谐感:值得...eBook:Find out more$40.00