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Competitive Accountability in Academic Life
Richard Watermeyer
'Watermeyer的书鼓励世界各地的学者反思这些问责制的潜在和下方。潜在的分析是挑衅的,因为它从根本上提出了所谓的......eBook:Find out more$ 29.60
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由Ruth Bridgstock,Neil Tippett编辑
本书通过探索高等教育学习和教学的社会关联和网络的观点挑战主导的“就业技能”话语。学习和职业发展都是自然和最佳的......eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Imad A. Moosa
‘The phrase “Publish or Perish” sums up the current predicament of academics in British, Australian and American universities. The principle is that university departments are allocated research funding according to their productivity, m... -
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Iain Hay
‘Academics need to master a broad and complex set of skills while operating in increasingly precarious working environments. How to be an Academic Superhero explores how best to meet the challenges of being an academic. It offers the adv... -
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这本书的制定了一个雄心勃勃的但是可以实现的ternative to the managerialism that dominates current approaches to leadership and management in higher education. The multiple perspectives model provides a holistic and empirically grou...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Famous Figures and Diagrams in Economics
Edited by Mark Blaug, Peter Lloyd
据说一张照片胜过千言万语。一张图片很容易价值两三个方程,当然更令人难忘。我可以比我写下其公式更快地画画和使用边缘箱。有一个va ...... -
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