Handbook of Organizational and Managerial Innovation
The Handbook of Organizational and Managerial Innovation places humans, their acts, practices, processes and fantasies at the core of innovation. Bringing together some of the world’s leading thinkers, academics and professionals, both established and emerging, this multidisciplinary book provides a comprehensive picture of the vibrant and engaging field of organizational and managerial innovation.
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The Handbook of Organizational and Managerial Innovation places humans, their acts, practices, processes and fantasies at the core of innovation. Bringing together some of the world’s leading thinkers, academics and professionals, both established and emerging, this multidisciplinary book provides a comprehensive picture of the vibrant and engaging field of organizational and managerial innovation.
The contributors present organizational and managerial innovation as a complex concept underpinned by varied ontological and epistemological traditions and disciplines. They reveal that it is something that exists and occurs at multiple levels of analysis, and from multiple zones of experience – the experience of managers, workers, psychologists, philosophers and economists.
This innovative and engaging Handbook will be an essential resource for researchers, practitioners and students alike with an interest in the role of innovation in organizations.
The contributors present organizational and managerial innovation as a complex concept underpinned by varied ontological and epistemological traditions and disciplines. They reveal that it is something that exists and occurs at multiple levels of analysis, and from multiple zones of experience – the experience of managers, workers, psychologists, philosophers and economists.
This innovative and engaging Handbook will be an essential resource for researchers, practitioners and students alike with an interest in the role of innovation in organizations.
Critical Acclaim
‘The editors of this volume remind us that innovation is an essential part of organizational life and is not restricted to technology. Innovation is a function of human relations and context. To my knowledge, the Handbook is unique in the breadth and depth of offering a diversity of ideas and
inspiration for studying organizational and managerial innovation (OMI). . . This volume is an excellent reference for researchers, practitioners and students.’
– James McRitchie, Navigation
‘The volume is rich in diversity of methodological, epistemological and ontological orientations and variety of approaches in organizational and managerial innovation and brings together some of the world’s leading thinkers, academics and professionals who contribute a comprehensive picture of the field. . . The Handbook remains an essential resource for all researchers, practitioners and students alike as well as a comprehensive, ambitious, welcome compilation of the patterns of organizational and managerial innovation (and development) across the globe.’
– Lucian Blaga, Management of Sustainable Development
inspiration for studying organizational and managerial innovation (OMI). . . This volume is an excellent reference for researchers, practitioners and students.’
– James McRitchie, Navigation
‘The volume is rich in diversity of methodological, epistemological and ontological orientations and variety of approaches in organizational and managerial innovation and brings together some of the world’s leading thinkers, academics and professionals who contribute a comprehensive picture of the field. . . The Handbook remains an essential resource for all researchers, practitioners and students alike as well as a comprehensive, ambitious, welcome compilation of the patterns of organizational and managerial innovation (and development) across the globe.’
– Lucian Blaga, Management of Sustainable Development
Contributors: R. Agarwal, J. Bessant, J. Birkinshaw, K. Bjørkeng, C. Boedker, A. Carlsen, H.H. Chiu, S. Clegg, M.P. e Cunha, F. Damanpour, E. Dehlin, R. Green, R. Hall, K. Hydle, E. Josserand, M. Kerrin, R. Lamming, C. Magelssen, M. Mol, R. Northcote, F. Patterson, T.S Pitsis, N. Rapport, A. Rego, J.M. Runnalls, L. Sandelands, A. Simpson, G.M.P. Swann, S. Teerikangas, P. Thomas, I.G. Vaccaro, L. Välikangas, F.A.J. Van Den Bosch, F. Villesèche, H.W. Volberda, L. Zibarras
Introduction: An Entrée to Organizational and Managerial Innovation
Tyrone S. Pitsis, Ace Simpson and Erlend Dehlin
1. Relating Management Innovation to Product and Process Innovation: Private Rents versus Public Gains
Michael Mol and Julian Birkinshaw
2. Network Innovation
John Bessant and Richard Lamming
3. Engaged Employees! An Actor Perspective on Innovation
SatuTeerikangas and Liisa Välikangas
4. Making Innovation Happen Using Accounting Controls
Christina Boedker and Jonathon Mark Runnalls
5. Innovation and the Division of Labour
G.M. Peter Swann
6.管理创新行动:自我的情况下-Managing Teams
Ignacio G. Vaccaro, Henk W. Volberda and Frans A.J. Van Den Bosch
7. Employee Innovation
Fiona Patterson, Máire Kerrin and Lara Zibarras
8. Management Education for Organizational and Managerial Innovation
Renu Agarwal, Roy Green and Richard Hall
9. Living Ideas at Work
Arne Carlsen and Lloyd Sandelands
10. Fleshing Out Everyday Innovation: Phronesis and Improvisation in Knowledge Work
Erlend Dehlin
11. Communities of Practice: From Innovation in Practice to the Practice of Innovation
Emmanuel Josserand and Florence Villesèche
12. Initiation, Implementation and Complexity of Managerial Innovation
Fariborz Damanpour, Holly H. Chiu and Catherine Magelssen
13. Surprising Organization
Miguel Pina e Cunha, Stewart Clegg and Arménio Rego
14. Managing the Łódź Ghetto: Innovation and the Culture of Persecution
Nigel Rapport
15. Innovating Professionalism in a Communication Consultancy
Kjersti Bjørkeng and Katja Hydle
16. Storytelling in Transforming Practices and Process: The Bayer Case
Patrick Thomas and Richard Northcote
Introduction: An Entrée to Organizational and Managerial Innovation
Tyrone S. Pitsis, Ace Simpson and Erlend Dehlin
1. Relating Management Innovation to Product and Process Innovation: Private Rents versus Public Gains
Michael Mol and Julian Birkinshaw
2. Network Innovation
John Bessant and Richard Lamming
3. Engaged Employees! An Actor Perspective on Innovation
SatuTeerikangas and Liisa Välikangas
4. Making Innovation Happen Using Accounting Controls
Christina Boedker and Jonathon Mark Runnalls
5. Innovation and the Division of Labour
G.M. Peter Swann
6.管理创新行动:自我的情况下-Managing Teams
Ignacio G. Vaccaro, Henk W. Volberda and Frans A.J. Van Den Bosch
7. Employee Innovation
Fiona Patterson, Máire Kerrin and Lara Zibarras
8. Management Education for Organizational and Managerial Innovation
Renu Agarwal, Roy Green and Richard Hall
9. Living Ideas at Work
Arne Carlsen and Lloyd Sandelands
10. Fleshing Out Everyday Innovation: Phronesis and Improvisation in Knowledge Work
Erlend Dehlin
11. Communities of Practice: From Innovation in Practice to the Practice of Innovation
Emmanuel Josserand and Florence Villesèche
12. Initiation, Implementation and Complexity of Managerial Innovation
Fariborz Damanpour, Holly H. Chiu and Catherine Magelssen
13. Surprising Organization
Miguel Pina e Cunha, Stewart Clegg and Arménio Rego
14. Managing the Łódź Ghetto: Innovation and the Culture of Persecution
Nigel Rapport
15. Innovating Professionalism in a Communication Consultancy
Kjersti Bjørkeng and Katja Hydle
16. Storytelling in Transforming Practices and Process: The Bayer Case
Patrick Thomas and Richard Northcote