Handbook of Research on Promoting Women’s Careers


Handbook of Research on Promoting Women’s Careers

9781783473083 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Susan Vinnicombe OBE, Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Diversity Management, Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield University, UK and Professor, Simmons University, US, the late Ronald J. Burke, formerly Professor Emeritus, Schulich School of Business, York University, Canada, Stacy Blake-Beard, Professor, Simmons School of Management and Senior Faculty Affiliate, Center for Gender and Organizations, Simmons College, US and Lynda L. Moore, Professor, Simmons School of Management and Faculty Affiliate, Center for Gender and Organizations, Simmons College US
Publication Date:2015 ISBN:978 1 78347 308 3 Extent:528 pp
In a changing world where women have dominated as graduates from universities in the West, recent research has shown that the same trend is also strikingly evident in the newly emerging markets. Tapping into this female talent pool is extremely important and advancing women’s careers has become a key business issue. This Handbook lays out a number of promising approaches. First the business case for doing so is presented. The challenges facing women are reviewed, followed by various programs that address particular needs such as mentoring, leadership development programs for women, work and family initiatives, and succession planning. Finally, case studies of award-winning organizational initiatives are described.

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Why is it that relatively few women achieve senior management positions despite their increasing levels of education and years of work experience? How can we change this?

In a changing world where women have dominated as graduates from universities in the West, recent research has shown that the same trend is also strikingly evident in the newly emerging markets. Tapping into this female talent pool is extremely important and advancing women’s careers has become a key business issue. This Handbook lays out a number of promising approaches. First the business case for doing so is presented. The challenges facing women are reviewed, followed by various programs that address particular needs such as mentoring, leadership development programs for women, work and family initiatives, and succession planning. Finally, case studies of award-winning organizational initiatives are described.

The book identifies obstacles women face in career advancement and possible initiatives to address them. The work will be highly sought by scholars and doctoral students interested in women in organizations. Human resource managers and consultants will also find plenty of invaluable information in this resource.
Critical Acclaim
‘This is the best single volume I have read that places lack of advancement of women in businesses into context, discusses the continuing challenges facing career women, examines several specific sectors and finishes up with good ideas on how to support the development of women.’
– James McRitchie, Corporate Governance

‘Professors Vinnicombe, Burke, Blake-Beard, and Moore have assembled an internationally and intellectually diverse cast of contributors to chronicle and examine the implications of the seismic shift in women’s roles in the global workforce. Collectively, they make a strong case for why advancing women’s careers is a key business as well as societal issue that must be addressed if the full potential of all societal members is to be tapped. This book belongs on the bookshelf of all scholars of gender and career issues as an essential reference.’
– Gary N. Powell, University of Connecticut, US

这是一本优秀的书摆出关键问题about women and careers in leadership, such as why do women have less access to the top jobs. It presents research on women’s experiences in leadership, discusses the barriers they face as well as initiatives to promote their career advancement. I can see this being a critical resource for those who research and teach women in management.’
– Fiona Wilson, University of Glasgow, UK

‘As more women take on highly visible leadership roles, such as CEO or C-suite executive, I am often asked whether there continues to be a need for research on women’s career development. This book effectively answers the challenge behind that question by documenting the status of women in business and by marshaling empirical evidence of gender effects on careers. The chapters provide a rich, theoretically grounded overview of women’s career development and action steps for accelerating the growth of women’s representation in leadership.’
– Alison M. Konrad, Western University, Canada
Contributors: D. Anderson, S.M. Barnett, S.A. Berry, G. Bhattacharya, D. Bilimoria, S. Blake-Beard, L. Brook, R.J. Burke, S. Caleo, S.D. Carter, S.S. Case, S. Dinolfo, E. Doldor, S.L. Fielden, K. Giscombe, J. Graham, A. Gupta, C.E.J. Härtel, G.F. Härtel, S.A. Haslam, R. Hawarden, M.E. Heilman, M.M. Hopkins, S.V. Horner, C.M. Hunt, M.M.S. Kats, S. Kumra, X. Liang, S. Mavin, L.L. Moore, J.T. Nadler, S.M. Nkomo, J.S. Nugent, A.J. Oetama-Paul, D.M. Ohse, D.A. O’Neil, K. Peters, C. Quental, M.K. Ryan, R. Sealy, F. Sheridan, V. Srinivasan, M.S. Stockdale, N. Sultana, R. Sumner, J.M. Turell, A. Valenti, H. van Emmerik, S. Vinnicombe, J. Williams, W.M. Williams, A. Wittenberg-Cox

Introduction: Advancing Women’s Careers: A Key Business Issue
Ronald J. Burke and Susan Vinnicombe

1. Gender Ratios in Organizations: Managerial and Cross-Cultural Issues
Hetty van Emmerik and Merel M.S. Kats

2. The Continuing Challenge of Incorporating Race and Ethnicity into Research on Women’s Management Careers
Stella M. Nkomo

3. Sprinters, Marathoners and Relay Runners: Profiles of Women’s Career Development Over Time
Deborah A. O’Neil, Margaret M. Hopkins and Diana Bilimoria

4. Stop Fixing Women, Start Building Management Competencies
Avivah Wittenberg-Cox

5. Theoretical Advances in the Study of Sexual Harassment
Margaret S. Stockdale, Seth A. Berry, Joel T. Nadler, Dawn M. Ohse and Gargi Bhattacharya

6. Gender Stereotypes and their Implications for Women’s Career Progress
Suzette Caleo and Madeline E. Heilman

7. Women’s Occupational Motivation: The Impact of Being a Woman in a Man’s World
Kim Peters, Michelle K. Ryan and S. Alexander Haslam

8. Women’s Impact on Women’s Careers in Management: Queen Bees, Female Misogyny, Negative Intra-relations and Solidarity Behaviours
Sharon Mavin and Jannine Williams

9. Organizational Politics: The Missing Link to Women’s Progression into Managerial Roles
Elena Doldor

10. Glass Networks: How Networks Shape the Careers of Women Directors on Corporate Boards
Rosanne Hawarden

11. Beyond Bias and Barriers: A Biopsychosocial Lens for Understanding Gender Communication in Organizations
Susan S. Case and Angela J. Oetama-Paul

12. Prejudice Against Women Leaders: Sex of Voice
Fiona Sheridan

13. Women in Professional Services Firms
Camilla Quental

14. Gender Differences in the Academic Work Experiences of Faculty at Early, Middle and Late Career Stages
戴安娜Bilimoria,襄汾县梁,沙尼·d·卡特nd Jeffrey M. Turell

15. Where are the Women in Academic Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Fields?
Wendy M. Williams, Susan M. Barnett and Rachel Sumner

16. Breakthrough for Women on UK Boards
Ruth Sealy

17. Women Professionals in the Software Services Sector in India
Vasanthi Srinivasan and Amit Gupta

18. A Gendered Analysis of International Career Development: Progress, Pitfalls and Prospects
Savita Kumra

19. Advancing Women: A Focus on Strategic Initiatives
Julie S. Nugent, Sarah Dinolfo and Katherine Giscombe

20. Women’s Leadership Programmes are Still Important
Susan Vinnicombe, Lynda L. Moore and Deirdre Anderson

21. The Effect of Race and Migration on the Managerial Advancement of Women
Charmine E.J. Härtel, Nasreen Sultana and Günter F. Härtel

22. Factors Supporting Women’s Career Advancement: Differences between Male and Female CEOs in the United States
Alix Valenti and Stephen V. Horner

23. Best Practice Case Studies
Lesley Brook and Jacey Graham

24. E-Coaching as a Technique for Developing the Workforce and Entrepreneurs
Carianne M. Hunt and Sandra L. Fielden

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