The Psychology of the Recession on the Workplace
An economic recession can affect the aggregate well-being of a population. This highly regarded and timely book shows a significant increase in the mean levels of distress and dissatisfaction in the work place in recent years.
In particular, increasing job demands, intrinsic job insecurity and increasingly inadequate salaries make substantial contributions to psychological distress, family conflict and related behaviors. The contributors reveal that the recession has fundamentally altered the way employees view their work and leaders. With employers and employees still facing a continued period of uncertainty, a severe impact on employment relations is a continuing reality.
In particular, increasing job demands, intrinsic job insecurity and increasingly inadequate salaries make substantial contributions to psychological distress, family conflict and related behaviors. The contributors reveal that the recession has fundamentally altered the way employees view their work and leaders. With employers and employees still facing a continued period of uncertainty, a severe impact on employment relations is a continuing reality.
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Critical Acclaim
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An economic recession can affect the aggregate well-being of a population. This highly regarded and timely book shows a significant increase in the mean levels of distress and dissatisfaction in the work place in recent years.
In particular, increasing job demands, intrinsic job insecurity and increasingly inadequate salaries make substantial contributions to psychological distress, family conflict and related behaviors. The contributors reveal that the recession has fundamentally altered the way employees view their work and leaders. With employers and employees still facing a continued period of uncertainty, a severe impact on employment relations is a continuing reality.
Given the difficult economic times, many people are feeling the pressure to work harder. This book will be valuable for undergraduate students and practitioners in the fields of organizational behavior and human resource management.
In particular, increasing job demands, intrinsic job insecurity and increasingly inadequate salaries make substantial contributions to psychological distress, family conflict and related behaviors. The contributors reveal that the recession has fundamentally altered the way employees view their work and leaders. With employers and employees still facing a continued period of uncertainty, a severe impact on employment relations is a continuing reality.
Given the difficult economic times, many people are feeling the pressure to work harder. This book will be valuable for undergraduate students and practitioners in the fields of organizational behavior and human resource management.
Critical Acclaim
‘Two deep human needs are to master the world and to feel safe and secure. The Great Recession thwarted both needs for millions of people around the world. Cooper and Antoniou’s global team of scholars address the psychological, economic, social, and other dimensions of our current crisis while charting paths whereby we can again satisfy these needs. Let us rise above the crisis and follow Aristotle’s path to living well and faring well. This book offers a plan for doing so.’
– James Campell Quick, The University of Texas at Arlington, US
– James Campell Quick, The University of Texas at Arlington, US
Contributors: A.-S. Antoniou, C.C. Benight, K.A. Buchholz, R. Burke, D.A.J. Cable, R. Cieslak, M. Dalla, L. Fiksenbaum, A. Furnham, E. Georgiadi, M. Givalos, E. Greenglass, L.B. Hammer, I.L.D. Houtman, L. Jiang, H. Kahn, D. Karaj, L. Kashahu, B.D. Kirkcaldy, M.A.J. Kompier, L. Lu, A. Malach-Pines, D. Malinowska, Z. Marjanovic, G. Michailidis, G. Mohr, M. O’Driscoll, K. Otto, T. Probst, T. Rigotti, M.M. Schaffer, E.I. Shupe, R.R. Sinclair, E. Smoktunowicz, T.W. Taris, A. Tokarz, M. Trzebińska, A.F. Wagenaar, N. Zaidman
Lennart Levi
1. Well-being Among Greeks and Immigrants Before and After the Current Financial Crisis
Alexander-Stamatios Antoniou and Marina Dalla
2. Socioeconomic Adversity and Family Stressors in Relation to School Achievement Among Greek, Serbian and Albanian Students
Alexander-Stamatios Antoniou, Marina Dalla, Ledi Kashahu, Dhori Karaj, George Michailidis and Evi Georgiadi
3. The Impact of the Recession and its Aftermath on Individual Health and Well-being
Esther Greenglass, Zdravko Marjanovic and Lisa Fiksenbaum
4. Workaholism and Psychosocial Functioning: Individual, Family and Workplace Perspectives
Diana Malinowska, Monika Trzebińska, Aleksandra Tokarz and Bruce D. Kirkcaldy
5. The Mark of Recession in the High-tech Industry: High Stress and Low Burnout
Ayala Malach-Pines and Nurit Zaidman
6. The Adverse Effects of Recession-related Events on the Health and Well-being of Individuals
Oi-Ling Siu
7. Temporary Employment, Quality of Working Life and Well-being
Alfred F. Wagenaar, Michiel A.J. Kompier, Toon W. Taris and Irene L.D. Houtman
8. Economic Recession, Job Insecurity and Employee and Organizational Health
Ronald Burke
9. The Psychology of Unemployment: Laying off People in a Recession
Adrian Furnham
10. Perceiving and Responding to Job Insecurity: The Importance of Multilevel Contexts
Lixin Jiang, Tahira Probst and Robert R. Sinclair
11. Unemployment and Mental Health
Howard Kahn
12. The Effects of Not Working: A Psychological Framework for Understanding the Experience of Job Loss
Ellen I. Shupe and Katelyn A. Buchholz
13.经济衰退对心理控制的影响racts between Employers and Employees
Donald A.J. Cable and Michael O’Driscoll
14. The Individual Afront the Antinomies of the Contemporary World
Menelaos Givalos
15. The Psychological Effects of Restructuring
Kathleen Otto, Thomas Rigotti and Gisela Mohr
16. Social Support in Times of Economic Stress
Ewelina Smoktunowicz, Roman Cieslak and Charles C. Benight
17. The Dynamism of Balancing Work and Family in a Developing Society: Evidence from Taiwan
Luo Lu
18. Low Income Families and Occupational Health: Implications of Economic Stress for Work-Family Conflict Research and Practice
Robert R. Sinclair, Tahira Probst, Leslie B. Hammer and Meline M. Schaffer
Lennart Levi
1. Well-being Among Greeks and Immigrants Before and After the Current Financial Crisis
Alexander-Stamatios Antoniou and Marina Dalla
2. Socioeconomic Adversity and Family Stressors in Relation to School Achievement Among Greek, Serbian and Albanian Students
Alexander-Stamatios Antoniou, Marina Dalla, Ledi Kashahu, Dhori Karaj, George Michailidis and Evi Georgiadi
3. The Impact of the Recession and its Aftermath on Individual Health and Well-being
Esther Greenglass, Zdravko Marjanovic and Lisa Fiksenbaum
4. Workaholism and Psychosocial Functioning: Individual, Family and Workplace Perspectives
Diana Malinowska, Monika Trzebińska, Aleksandra Tokarz and Bruce D. Kirkcaldy
5. The Mark of Recession in the High-tech Industry: High Stress and Low Burnout
Ayala Malach-Pines and Nurit Zaidman
6. The Adverse Effects of Recession-related Events on the Health and Well-being of Individuals
Oi-Ling Siu
7. Temporary Employment, Quality of Working Life and Well-being
Alfred F. Wagenaar, Michiel A.J. Kompier, Toon W. Taris and Irene L.D. Houtman
8. Economic Recession, Job Insecurity and Employee and Organizational Health
Ronald Burke
9. The Psychology of Unemployment: Laying off People in a Recession
Adrian Furnham
10. Perceiving and Responding to Job Insecurity: The Importance of Multilevel Contexts
Lixin Jiang, Tahira Probst and Robert R. Sinclair
11. Unemployment and Mental Health
Howard Kahn
12. The Effects of Not Working: A Psychological Framework for Understanding the Experience of Job Loss
Ellen I. Shupe and Katelyn A. Buchholz
13.经济衰退对心理控制的影响racts between Employers and Employees
Donald A.J. Cable and Michael O’Driscoll
14. The Individual Afront the Antinomies of the Contemporary World
Menelaos Givalos
15. The Psychological Effects of Restructuring
Kathleen Otto, Thomas Rigotti and Gisela Mohr
16. Social Support in Times of Economic Stress
Ewelina Smoktunowicz, Roman Cieslak and Charles C. Benight
17. The Dynamism of Balancing Work and Family in a Developing Society: Evidence from Taiwan
Luo Lu
18. Low Income Families and Occupational Health: Implications of Economic Stress for Work-Family Conflict Research and Practice
Robert R. Sinclair, Tahira Probst, Leslie B. Hammer and Meline M. Schaffer