
  1. 加入愿望清单 教学非营利组织管理


    由Karabi C. Bezboruah编辑,希瑟L. Carpenter
    ‘I’m thrilled to see a book on teaching nonprofit management within the framework of the NACC curricular guidelines. As a participant in the development of the graduate-level guidelines several years ago, it is a great feeling to discove...

    List price$ 150.00

    Member price$135.00

    平装(September 2021)

    List price$ 44.95

    Member price$35.96

  2. 加入愿望清单 How to Get Published in the Best Political Science and International Relations Journals

    How to Get Published in the Best Political Science and International Relations Journals

    Marijke Breuning,John Ishiyama
    Hardback (September 2021)

    List price$ 99.00

    Member price$89.10

  3. 加入愿望清单 教学国际关系


    由詹姆斯·斯科特,拉尔夫G. Carter,Brandy Joolliff Scott,Jeffrey S. Lantis
    Hardback (2021)

    List price$145.00

    Member price$ 130.50

  4. 加入愿望清单 政策科学的未来


    Edited by Anis B. Brik, Leslie A. Pal
    ‘The Future of the Policy Sciences provides a comprehensive overview of the past development and new trends of policy sciences. Particularly, new technologies, such as big data and artificial intelligence, and global disasters, such as t...
    Hardback (2021)

    List price$145.00

    Member price$ 130.50

  5. 加入愿望清单 Teaching Research Methods in Political Science

    Teaching Research Methods in Political Science

    Edited by Jeffrey L. Bernstein
    “这本书是政治学中那些教学研究方法的非常有价值的资源 - 经常对没有任何兴趣的方法开始的学生。不同的章节为教育工作者提供了非常有用的课程......
    Hardback (2021)

    List price$145.00

    Member price$ 130.50

  6. 加入愿望清单 Handbook on Teaching and Learning in Political Science and International Relations

    Handbook on Teaching and Learning in Political Science and International Relations

    Edited by John Ishiyama, William J. Miller, Eszter Simon
    ‘The editorial team of John Ishiyama, William J. Miller, and Eszter Simon have assembled an outstanding group of contributors who offer many highly useful insights and tools for more effective and innovative teaching in political science...

    List price$61.00

    Member price$48.80

    Hardback (2015)

    List price$240.00

    Member price$216.00

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