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Adult Learning in Modern Societies
Edited by Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Elina Kilpi-Jakonen, Daniela Vono de Vilhena, Sandra Buchholz
随着工业社会日益发展成为知识的经济体,教育作为终身过程的重要性大于以往任何时候都大。这本综合书对跨越成人学习的最先进的分析eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Edited by Meng-Hsuan Chou, Åse Gornitzka
这本迷人的书研究了新兴知识政策域对欧洲政治议程的一体化,以及与知识政策有关的动态。领先的专家讲述了这两个中央支柱......eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Public Private Partnerships in Education
Edited by Susan L. Robertson, Karen Mundy, Antoni Verger, Francine Menashy
“远离”国家“和”市场之间的成本分享形式,PPP已经被一些,并被他人谴责为新千年的变革冠军。这本书是由我的最佳思想写的eBook:Find out more39.96美元
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Regenerative Sustainable Development of Universities and Cities
“本书北美,欧洲和亚洲的案例研究突出了巨大但尚未开发的,以实现全球城市的社会和技术变革的潜力。作者展示了大学校园如何......eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Handbook of Qualitative Research in Education
Edited by Sara Delamont
教育的定性研究手册提供了教育研究中所有最佳定性方法的数据收集,分析和代表的基本和高级讨论。eBook:Find out more$68.76
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生活elong Learning in Europe
Edited by Ellu Saar, Odd Bjørn Ure, John Holford
“萨尔,Ure和霍尔福德就广泛的欧洲国家的终身学习日益关键的区域提供了明确的陈述。该卷远远超过一系列隔离和独立案例studie ...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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This comprehensive book provides a collection of the critical papers that have been published in the fast-growing field of the globalization of higher education. They include work by a variety of noted scholars, such as Altbach, Clark an... -
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Using a political economy framework to analyze the current problems facing US postsecondary education, The New Limits of Education Policy tackles the questions surrounding the future of higher education. The study provides an explanation...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Edited by Peter Dolton, Rita Asplund, Erling Barth
'此卷代表了解收入不平等的新章。来自欧洲的各种作者,不仅提供了关于不平等程度的丰富的比较看法,而且还继续解释一些原因.... -
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Generational Shockwaves and the Implications for Higher Education
Edited by Donald E. Heller, Madeleine B. d’ Ambrosio
‘The Baby Boom generation did much to drive the transformation of American higher education that occurred in the 1960s. That extraordinary impact has invited many to think about how succeeding generations have challenged and will continu...eBook:Find out more$40.00