Teaching Urban and Regional Planning
由Andrea I. Frank编辑,Artur da Rosa Pires
这本创新的书为作为协调员,推动者和促进者而以新的创意方式培训未来的计划者的理由。国际教学案例研究为计划教育的未来提供了独特的想法...电子书:Find out more$36.00
Games, Simulations and Playful Learning in Business Education
由Caroline Elliott,Jon Guest,Elinor Vettraino编辑
商业教育中的游戏,模拟和嬉戏的学习对整合游戏,模拟和游戏的原始和创新方式进行了新的,有见地的研究,以提高高等教育学习和评估的质量...电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
Anti-Blanchard Macroeconomics
Emiliano Brancaccio, Andrea Califano
Olivier Blanchard, former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), is author of one of the most important standard macroeconomics textbooks, which is used throughout the world. Endorsed by Blanchard himself, Anti-Blancha...电子书:Find out more$ 28.00
Teaching Tourism
Edited by Johan Edelheim, Marion Joppe, Joan Flaherty
旅游业作为一项活动的越来越多,因其开发性和采掘业务方法而受到批评。然而,它具有改变和再生社会,文化和环境的能力。渴望前...电子书:Find out more$36.00
Handbook on Intervention and Statebuilding
由Nicolas Lemay-Hébert编辑
This innovative Handbook offers a new perspective on the cutting-edge conceptual advances that have shaped – and continue to shape – the field of intervention and statebuilding.电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
由Shirlena Huang编辑,Kanchana N. Ruwanpura
The Handbook on Gender in Asia critically examines, through a gender perspective, five broad themes of significance to Asia: the ‘Theory and Practice’ of researching in Asia; ‘Gender, Ageing and Health’; ‘Gender and Labour’; ‘Gendered Mi...电子书:Find out more$48.00
Handbook of Megacities and Megacity-Regions
Edited by Danielle Labbé, André Sorensen
Exploring the importance of megacities and megacity-regions as one of the defining features of the 21st century, this Handbook provides a clear and comprehensive overview of current thinking and debates from leading scholars in the field...电子书:Find out more$48.00
Research Handbook on the Theory and History of International Law
由亚历山大·奥拉克赫拉什维利(Alexander Orakhelashvili)编辑
该更新和修订的第二版在著名专家的贡献中提供了一个全面的学术框架,用于分析国际法的理论和历史。有一系列法律和跨学科...电子书:Find out more$53.60
Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy – 2021
Edited by Charles H. Matthews, Eric W. Liguori
如果您正在寻找过去实践,当前思维和未来对企业家教育世界的见解,那么您将需要阅读和探索第四版,这是Anter的第四版...电子书:Find out more$48.00
Edited by Luigino Bruni, Alessandra Smerilli, Dalila De Rosa
Exploring the modern approach to the economics of happiness, which came about with the Easterlin Paradox, this book analyses and assesses the idea that as a country gets richer the happiness of its citizens remains the same. The book mov...电子书:Find out more$ 44.00
Encyclopedia of Law and Development
Edited by Koen De Feyter, Gamze E. Türkelli, Stéphanie de Moerloose
This comprehensive Encyclopedia is an indispensable resource in the area of law and development. Bringing together more than 80 entries, the Encyclopedia spans a variety of approaches, contextualised histories, recent developments and fo...电子书:Find out more$56.00
Entrepreneurship in Action
Edited by Eric W. Liguori, Mark Tonelli
This book offers an in-depth examination of six exemplar student-run ventures. These ventures, actual businesses that students enroll in as a course and run themselves, are changing the ways in which students learn by offering valuable ...电子书:Find out more$ 25.56