Labour Policy

  1. Add to Wish List Education and Inequality Across Europe

    Education and Inequality Across Europe

    Edited by Peter Dolton, Rita Asplund, Erling Barth
    The relationship between education and income inequality is of fundamental importance. In this book, an international group of renowned contributors focus on patterns of inequality and their relationship to education using recent data fr...
    Hardback (2009)

    List price$179.00

    Member price$161.10

  2. Add to Wish List Taxing the Working Poor

    Taxing the Working Poor

    Achim Kemmerling
    In most industrialized countries the tax burden of poor people has increased dramatically over the last few decades. This book analyses both the political origins of this increase and its consequences for the labour market.
    Hardback (June 2009)

    List price$134.00

    Member price$120.60

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  3. Add to Wish List Innovating European Labour Markets

    Innovating European Labour Markets

    Edited by Peter Ester, Ruud Muffels, Joop Schippers, Ton Wilthagen
    This book examines innovative theoretical perspectives and novel labour market policy responses to Europe’s changing work demands, employment careers and life courses. It presents creative ideas and recommendations for flexicurity polici...
    Hardback (2009)

    List price$179.00

    Member price$161.10

  4. Add to Wish List Flexibility and Employment Security in Europe

    Flexibility and Employment Security in Europe

    Edited by Ruud Muffels
    This book seeks to gain a better understanding of the paradoxical relationship between the alleged need of European labour markets to become more flexible and the way in which national policies pursue this aim without jeopardising existi...
    Hardback (December 2008)

    List price$192.00

    Member price$172.80

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  5. Add to Wish List The Working Poor in Europe

    The Working Poor in Europe

    Edited by Hans-Jürgen Andreß, Henning Lohmann
    For a long time in-work poverty was not associated with European welfare states. Recently, the topic has gained relevance as welfare state retrenchment and international competition in globalized economies has put increasing pressures on...
    Hardback (November 2008)

    List price$174.00

    Member price$156.60

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  6. Add to Wish List Full Employment in Europe

    Full Employment in Europe

    Günther Schmid
    Transitional Labour Markets (TLM) – defined as legitimate, negotiated and politically supported sets of various employment options in critical events over the life course – are an essential ingredient of modern full employment strategies...
    Hardback (June 2008)

    List price$191.00

    Member price$171.90

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  7. Add to Wish List 全球化、不确定性和女性的职业生涯


    Edited by Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Heather Hofmeister
    全球化、不确定性和女性的职业生涯assesses the effects of globalization on the life courses of women in thirteen countries across Europe and America in the second half of the 20th century.
    Paperback (2008)

    List price$86.95

    Member price$69.56

    Hardback (August 2006)

    List price$216.00

    Member price$194.40

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  8. Add to Wish List Competing Claims in Work and Family Life

    Competing Claims in Work and Family Life

    Edited by Tanja van der Lippe, Pascale Peters
    Competing claims on time in work and family life have become inherent, unavoidable features of the Western world. As households increasingly juggle competing responsibilities, and as job expectations and parenting standards intensify, ma...
    Hardback (2007)

    List price$158.00

    Member price$142.20

  9. Add to Wish List Gender Divisions and Working Time in the New Economy

    Gender Divisions and Working Time in the New Economy

    Edited by Diane Perrons, Colette Fagan, Linda McDowell, Kath Ray, Kevin Ward
    Contemporary societies are characterised by new and more flexible working patterns, new family structures and widening social divisions. This book explores how these macro-level changes affect the micro organisation of daily life, with r...
    Paperback (2007)

    List price$71.95

    Member price$57.56

    Hardback (2006)

    List price$168.00

    Member price$151.20

  10. Add to Wish List Industrial Relations in the New Europe

    Industrial Relations in the New Europe

    Edited by Peter Leisink, Bram Steijn, Ulke Veersma
    This book presents an evidence-based assessment of the impact of EU enlargement on industrial relations and social standards in old and new EU Member States. It combines chapters which give an overview of the process of enlargement/integ...
    Hardback (2007)

    List price$153.00

    Member price$137.70

  11. Add to Wish List The Evaluation of Active Labour Market Policies

    The Evaluation of Active Labour Market Policies

    Edited by Jaap de Koning
    这本书认为,积极的劳动力市场policies are necessary to improve the position of the unemployed but have so far performed relatively poorly. The contributing authors seek ways to improve active labour market policy and consid...
    Hardback (2007)

    List price$194.00

    Member price$174.60

  12. Add to Wish List 农村劳动力发展网络


    Gary Paul Green
    Rural areas face numerous challenges in building a high-wage, high-skilled workforce. In response to these obstacles, many regions have established workforce development networks that provide stronger linkages between employers, schools,...
    Hardback (2007)

    List price$134.00

    Member price$120.60

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