Organisational and Occupational Psychology

  1. Add to Wish List Managing Food Safety and Hygiene

    Managing Food Safety and Hygiene

    Bridget M. Hutter
    ‘One of the most thorough and considered studies we have of the relationship between regulation and business risk management practices. Food regulation provides a revealing canvas for understanding the dynamics of the governance of risk....
    Paperback (2013)

    List price$48.95

    Member price$39.16


    List price$146.00

    Member price$131.40

  2. Add to Wish List Psychological Ownership and the Organizational Context

    Psychological Ownership and the Organizational Context

    Jon L. Pierce, Iiro Jussila
    Psychological ownership as a phenomenon and construct attracts an increasing number of scholars in a variety of fields. This volume presents a comprehensive and up-to-date review of the psychological ownership literature with particular ...
    Paperback (2012)

    List price$59.95

    Member price$47.96


    List price$160.00

    Member price$144.00

  3. Add to Wish List Gender and the Dysfunctional Workplace

    Gender and the Dysfunctional Workplace

    Edited by Suzy Fox, Terri R. Lituchy
    Dysfunction in the workplace, like a bully culture, affects women and men differently. This book represents a broad spectrum of disciplines including law, management, communications, human resource management and industrial/organizationa...
    哈rdback (2012)

    List price$125.00

    Member price$112.50

  4. Add to Wish List Narcissism in the Workplace

    Narcissism in the Workplace

    Andrew J. DuBrin
    ‘This book is both welcome and timely and illustrates, through several case examples, the profoundly dysfunctional impact which excessive narcissistic and omnipotent behaviour generates. In particular the book highlights how tortuous and...
    哈rdback (2012)

    List price$135.00

    Member price$121.50

  5. Add to Wish List Occupational Health and Safety for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

    Occupational Health and Safety for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

    Edited by E. Kevin Kelloway, Cary Cooper
    ‘The editors say that their book demonstrates a clear need for low cost, low tech, non-resource demanding OS&H interventions that could readily be deployed in a small business setting. It certainly does this and the clarity with which th...
    哈rdback (2012)

    List price$125.00

    Member price$112.50

  6. Add to Wish List 哈ndbook of Stress in the Occupations

    哈ndbook of Stress in the Occupations

    Edited by Janice Langan-Fox, Cary Cooper
    The Handbook of Stress in the Occupations sets a new agenda for stress research and gives fresh impetus to scholars who wish to focus on issues and problems associated with specific jobs, some of which have received little attention in t...

    List price$264.00

    Member price$237.60

  7. Add to Wish List Workplace Psychological Health

    Workplace Psychological Health

    Paula Brough, Michael O’Driscoll, Thomas Kalliath, Cary Cooper, Steven Poelmans
    ‘Describing organisations as “ever changing” or “increasingly pressured” has been allowed to become a cliché. It is refreshing, therefore, to find a book which coolly and objectively reviews the psychological health issues in today’s wor...
    哈rdback (2009)

    List price$130.00

    Member price$117.00

  8. Add to Wish List 哈ndbook of Managerial Behavior and Occupational Health

    哈ndbook of Managerial Behavior and Occupational Health

    Edited by Alexander-Stamatios G. Antoniou, Cary Cooper, George P. Chrousos, Charles D. Spielberger, Michael William Eysenck
    ‘The reader will find the articles themselves very well-written and well-researched. . . this book would best be utilized as a reference tool for a researcher or as a reader for a masters- or doctoral-level course in organizational studi...
    哈rdback (2009)

    List price$276.00

    Member price$248.40

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