Management and Universities
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由Meng-Hsuan Chou编辑,ÅseGornitzka
这本迷人的书调查了新兴的知识政策领域在欧洲政治议程上的整合,以及与知识政策有关的动态。领先的专家谈到...的两个中心支柱eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Knowledge, Diversity and Performance in European Higher Education
由Andrea Bonaccorsi编辑
第一次欧洲嗨个人数据gher education institutions (rather than data aggregated at the country level) is used in order to examine a wide range of issues that are both theoretically challenging and relevant from...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Edited by Lynn Book, David Phillips
‘这是一本及时的书,它确定了21世纪的创造力和企业家精神的必要性,不仅是为了经济发展,更重要的是,对于社会和道德增长。这本书展示了Tra ...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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由斯蒂芬妮·达默隆(Stephanie Dameron),托马斯·杜兰德(Thomas Durand)编辑
The field of management education and research has become an industry of its own – an industry with fierce international competition in a global arena. Here, the authors argue that a series of mechanisms has led to mimicking and thus str...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Academic Entrepreneurship in Asia
Edited by Poh Kam Wong
这本及时的书研究了亚洲主要大学学术企业家和技术商业化的现象,通过对九个亚洲经济体的十三所大学的深入分析,...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Marino Regini
‘UK academics are frequently exhorted to integrate a European (and global) perspective into their syllabuses, especially where their students are drawn from a wide variety of national backgrounds. But this is difficult when there is a de...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Smart Leadership for Higher Education in Difficult Times
Edited by David W. Breneman, Paul J. Yakoboski
‘在一个声音叮咬时代,在困难时期,高等教育的智能领导能力对当今大学和大学运作的背景进行了杰出的分析。这些论文被认为令人发指,有见地和有价值...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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‘Governing Universities Globally provides a comprehensive account of higher education in the world today and successfully demonstrates how the study of universities now needs to acknowledge to the global environment.’ – Andrew Steven Gun...eBook:Find out more$ 40.80
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Edited by Michael L. Fetters, Patricia G. Greene, Mark P. Rice, John S.ibley Butler
‘A book of this magnitude, usefulness and complexity can hardly be framed within one direction of contribution to entrepreneurship education, it is many voices, responses and pathways of academic institutions clustered in an admirable co...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Making Inclusion Work
Edited by Saija Katila, Susan Meriläinen, Janne Tienari
‘应该为所有管理教育者阅读这本重要的书。从对日益标准化的全球学术系统的敏锐和及时的批评开始,编辑们着手提供包容性的愿景...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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由D. Bruce Johnstone,Madeleine B. D’Ambrosio,Paul J. Yakoboski编辑
‘全球社会中的高等教育对于院长来说应该具有巨大的实践价值,而教务长则是考虑国际伙伴关系或计划。通过高等教育学者的结合,以最容易获得的风格撰写...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Teaching in the Global Business Classroom
Carol Dalglish, Peter Evans
希望在当今的多元文化大学环境中脱颖而出的教师和讲师的必读支持指南。全球商务课堂上的“达格利什和埃文斯”的文字教学引起了我们对Enric的可能性的关注。eBook:Find out more$39.20