Teaching and Learning
Discussing Economics
Michael K. Salemi, W. L. Hansen
‘Teaching economics is the most important job that economists do. Thus it is nice to see a book devoted to teaching written by two economists who have played an important role in advancing the teaching of economics throughout the profess... -
改革经济s and Economics Teaching in the Transition Economies
Edited by Michael Watts, William B. Walstad
The Complexity Vision and the Teaching of Economics
由大卫·科兰德(David Colander)编辑
‘This book is an impressive collection of essays. . . this is an interesting and challenging book, of interest both to those who want an introduction to the ideas from complexity theory and those who reflect generally on the teaching and... -
卡尔·门尔(Carl Menger)向奥地利王子鲁道夫王储的演讲
Edited by Erich W. Streissler, Monika Streissler
‘这本书将在许多不同的层面上引起人们的关注。最简单的是,这是教学体验的迷人历史记录。。。。笔记本介绍了经济思想的历史学家,以及那些对A ...感兴趣的人