Teaching Urban and Regional Planning
由Andrea I. Frank编辑,Artur da Rosa Pires
这本创新的书为作为协调员,推动者和促进者而以新的创意方式培训未来的计划者的理由。国际教学案例研究为计划教育的未来提供了独特的想法...电子书:Find out more$36.00
Games, Simulations and Playful Learning in Business Education
由Caroline Elliott,Jon Guest,Elinor Vettraino编辑
商业教育中的游戏,模拟和嬉戏的学习对整合游戏,模拟和游戏的原始和创新方式进行了新的,有见地的研究,以提高高等教育学习和评估的质量...电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
Creating Inclusive and Engaging Online Courses
Edited by Monica Sanders
最近的在线教学的当务之急为人们带来了许多教育挑战。本指南包含当前主题,例如可访问性,多样性和移动访问,其中包含老师制作出色o ...电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
由罗斯·布伦南(Lynn Vos)编辑
教学营销prompts the reader to reflect on why marketing is taught, how it is taught and what should be included in curricula in tertiary-level programmes. The international contributors have a wide range of expertise in marketi...电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
Edited by Colin Jones
如何成为企业家教育者is the first book to tackle the pressing issue of where to find the educators to meet the global demand for entrepreneurship education. Chapters unite the developmental trajectories of 20 eminen...电子书:Find out more$32.00
The Lifecycle of Trust in Education
本杰明·库特苏鲁巴(Benjamin Kutsyuruba),基思·D·沃克(Keith D. Walker)
Understanding the dynamics of trust is an imperative undertaking for educational leaders. In this book, using an ecological perspective of the lifecycle, the authors situate trust as an essential ingredient of school leaders’ moral agenc...电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Geography
Edited by Helen Walkington, Jennifer Hill, Sarah Dyer
This exemplary Handbook provides readers with a novel synthesis of international research, evidence-based practice and personal reflections to offer an overview of the current state of knowledge in the field of teaching geography in high...电子书:Find out more$ 52.00
How Do I Collect Documentary Evidence?
Bill Lee
这本有见地的书介绍了一系列创新的策略,用于收集当代文本文献证据。它具有洞察力的小插曲,包括关于收集文件的各种挑战的关键指南...电子书:Find out more23.96美元
Edited by Walter Leal Filho, Amanda Lange Salvia, Fernanda Frankenberger
这本及时的手册探索教育在追求和实施可持续发展中的重要作用,强调了学校和大学的教学方法如何影响未来。它不仅要寻找inf的方式...电子书:Find out more$ 65.00
The Future of the Policy Sciences
Edited by Anis B. Brik, Leslie A. Pal
This forward-thinking book examines the future of public policy as a discipline, both as it is taught and as it is practiced. Critically assessing the limits of current theories and approaches, leading scholars in the field highlight new...电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
A Research Agenda for Academic Integrity
Edited by Tracey Bretag
在高等教育领域,学术诚信是激烈辩论的主题。这本高度主题的书对新兴的学术诚信威胁以及对CREA的实用,基于证据的建议进行了深入的分析...电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
There is often little guidance available on how to teach in universities, despite there being increasing pressure to raise teaching standards, as well as no official requirement for academics to have any specific teaching qualification i...电子书:Find out more$ 40.00